Katrina Weidman


Katrina Weidman is a senior at Penn State earning a dual degree in Integrative arts with an emphasis in music production and Theater with an emphasis in performance. She originally wasn’t going to attend college, but after dropping a friend off at University Park and seeing the campus, she knew it was where she belonged. The next day she signed up for classes at Bucks County Community College, which she attended for two years before transferring to Penn State University Park in 2004. Besides being an investigator for the Paranormal Research Society, she’s been a member of the Penn State Snowboard club since 2004. In 2005 she joined The Lion 90.7 fm as a co-host for a variety of shows and voice over work.

She was born and raised in Bucks County, PA along with an older sister and a younger brother. She was born into an artistic family – both of her parents perform in their spare time and her mother writes original musicals for local playhouses. Some of her earliest memories are watching her mother and father tap dance together on stage; this also coincides with some of her strangest memories of her father dressed in drag for multiple shows. “Either way, my parents helped to shape my love and appreciation for performance art, which is why I’m a performer; I guess you could say it’s in my blood.”

Besides theater, Katrina writes her own music. At the age of 11, she taught herself how to play piano. She learned how to play songs by ear and it lead into writing her own music. In 2003 she co-wrote a song with her mother for her first original musical called “Curtain Call for Murder.”

“As long as I can remember I’ve had an interest in the paranormal,” says Katrina. “I knew Penn State was a perfect fit, not only did they offer majors that fit my wants and needs, but they had a paranormal club. I joined the club in 2006 and went through extensive training to become an investigator. I absolutely love every minute of what I do. I get to help people, learn about the paranormal, work with amazing people, and now that we have a show with A&E I get to work in the entertainment world as well. ”

When she has free time outside of school and PRS, she enjoys snowboarding, singing, dancing, cooking, knitting and traveling.




Jeff Belanger


Jeff Belanger is an author, adventurer, and one of the most visible paranormal researchers today. He’s written books for both adults and children, he’s a talk show host, television producer, lecturer, and the founder of the new legend tripping movement. Since 1997, the former journalist has interviewed thousands of eyewitnesses to paranormal occurrences.

Jeff is also the host, writer, and producer of the New England Legends television series on PBS. He is the ultimate insider and knows how to connect with people from all walks of life when it comes to the unexplained. He is the author of over a dozen books (published in six languages) including the best sellers: The World’s Most Haunted Places, Weird Massachusetts, and Who’s Haunting the White House (for children). He’s the founder of Ghostvillage.com, the Web’s most popular paranormal destination according to Google.com, and a noted speaker and media personality providing dozens of lectures per year at colleges, universities, conferences, and libraries. He’s also the host of the cable/Web talk show, 30 Odd Minutes which is available in over 3 million homes in the United States. Belanger has written for newspapers like The Boston Globe and is the series writer and researcher for Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel.

Belanger has been a guest on hundreds of radio and television programs and networks including: The History Channel, The Travel Channel, Biography Channel, PBS, NECN, Living TV (UK), The Maury Show, The CBS News Early Show, FOX, NBC, ABC, and CBS affiliates, National Public Radio, The BBC, Australian Radio Network, and Coast to Coast AM.

Additionally, Belanger is a Sandy Hook Elementary School alumni who sits on the Board of Directors of the Newtown Memorial Fund, Inc.–a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a long-term fund to provide a memorial to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, and to establish academic scholarships in the victims’ names for generations of Newtown students to come. He holds a B.A. from Hofstra University, and currently haunts Massachusetts.




Christopher Saint Booth – Film Maker


Christopher Saint Booth – 11 Award winner including Fright Night 2016 filmmaker of the year. Producer, Director, Composer, Author and Production Designer of films, TV and documentaries for Syfy Channel, Chiller, NBC Universal, Sony Pictures, Redbox, Amazon, Destination America, Discovery, Travel Channel, Netflix, iTunes, Disney, Hulu, Vimeo, YouTube Red, Spooked Productions, At&t, Roku, Apple and foreign distributors worldwide. CEO of Spooked Productions and Twintalk Entertainment. Known for films: Dead Still (Syfy) Death Tunnel (Sony Pictures), The Possessed, Spooked, Children Of The Grave (as seen on Syfy), The Exorcist File (Destination America, Redbox) and DarkPlace (Amazon).





Adam Wcislek – Medium, Investigator, Musician


Adam has been connecting to the spiritual world since 2005. After taking classes, he continues to grow and expand his abilities to new places. He’s always learning as well as trying new ways to communicate with spirit.

Adam is also a very active member of the Spirit World Paranormal Investigations team in South Eastern Michigan. Adam is the lead Medium and house cleanser for private investigations. He takes every case serious especially when children are involved.

Finally Adam (known as Adam Hawkins on stage) is also a relaxation musician. His instrument of choice is the Native American Flute. His first CD entitled First Flight Let the Journey Began was released in 2014 and has helped many of his listeners ranging from physical and mental struggles.

Adam’s greatest joys are helping those wishing to connect to there loved ones as well as performing the soothing sounds of the Native American Flute.




Brian Danhausen – Artist, Author, Radio Host and Paranormal Investigator


Brian Danhausen is an artist, author, radio host and Paranormal Investigator. He lives in Michigan with his wife Darlene and he is the father of two children.
Brian has been dealing with the paranormal for most of his life. He has also been an artist for all of his life as well. He is the owner of The Final Nail (art company), he is also the author of 2 books:
Into The AfterLife : Paranormal World Into The AfterLife: A guide Into Paranormal Investigations.
He also has contributions in the book Haunted Prisons and a short story in the book, Krampus, The UnHolly King.

Brian has recently released Strange Tales From The Unknown…which is a collection of short, fiction, horror stories…with a second volume in the works and he is currently working on the third book for the AfterLife series and a book about his teachings on his path in Witchcraft.
Brian is also the Founder of the paranormal team…Into The AfterLife Paranormal, which he has been running with my wife for several years. He is also a medium. He has had several encounters with the dead that he has written about and has sketched most of them in his books.
Brian is also the Host and creator of a podcast called The Paranormal POP…where they mix the paranormal and pop culture topics. Brian has done several lectures on the paranormal…including conventions, libraries, events at haunted locations and schools.
Brian also does Energy Readings/ Paintings.




Daniel Klaes


Daniel Klaes has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal. Much of his curiosity stems from his experiences living in a haunted house. These encounters with unusual phenomena caused him to push the boundaries of his own belief system. In fact later Dan later purchased his family’s home and has grown comfortable with his unseen guests.
Klaes has co-founded the Greater Western New York Paranormal Society which has tackled some of the most challenging paranormal cases in the region. Dan is also a producer and Talent of the show Within These Walls on Vidi.Space, he is also a long time producer of Behind the Shadows which is a documentary series that can be viewed internationally on the Roku station Paranormal Reality TV. He is also a radio host (Phenomena Encountered) featured on paranormalwarehouse.com, a sought after speaker, and author.
In June of 2015 Dan realized a lifelong dream. The infamous Hinsdale House, site of the infestation and structural exorcism became available for purchase. Wasting no time, he made an offer that was accepted and became the owner. Klaes immediately began renovations to stabilize the house, which continue to this day. Shortly afterwards he opened the location for paranormal research and has hosted local, national and international paranormal teams.
Dan was contacted by producers from Discovery network and contracted the house to be featured on the hit TV series Paranormal Lockdown featuring Nick Groff and Katrina Wiedman. The Episode was the highest viewed episode of the series. Such was the phenomena that after Nick left both EVP and Geobox evidence called for his return to the house. Nick and Katrina later returned to film a Halloween special at the house that was featured on TLC.
Klaes has been featured on the show Paranormal Lockdown for both season one (Hinsdale House) and season two (Statler Hotel).
Dan with his wife Colleen and their 4 children are lifelong residents of Western New York. All share his interest in the unusual and sometimes spooky endeavors as they present themselves.




Tim Shaw


Tim Shaw has been a life long researcher in the fields of the Paranormal and Metaphysical. Growing up in Western New York State and having relatives in the Lily Dale Spiritualist Assembly ~ A Spiritualist Community ~ it was only natural for him to develop an interest in these mystical fields. Having been brought up Roman Catholic and Spiritualist gave Tim great insights into the miraculous as well as the phenomena of the worlds around us.

As a Medium Tim has taken training through the National Spiritualist Association of Churches, The Omega Institute, The Priesthood of Melchizadek, as well as under the tutorage of many influential instructors.

Tim is also a successful author, lecturer, media personality, and photographer. He has penned: “Ghosts of Buffalo, Mysteries, Murder, and Mayhem in the Nickel City,” “The Dogma of…ME,” “The C2D1 Haunting,”and “Rev. Zombie’s Book of Divination.” He has co-written “Haunted Rochester,” and has contributed to Marla Brooks “Animal Spells and Magick,” and Dark Moon Press ‘s titles Lost Whispers, A Collective Allegory of Haunted America,” and photographs to “Haunted Prisons,” and “Haunted Asylums.”

Tim has been sought out to consult and appear in movies and television. His credits include: Discovery Channel’s “Ghost Lab,” SyFy’s “Ghost Hunters,’ Spike’s “Ghost Ops,” and Destination America’s “Paranormal Lockdown,”. On The Travel Channel’s “America’s Most Terrifying Places”” Tim talked about his experiences at the Haunted Hinsdale House. He has also appeared in Core Productions “John Zaffis, The World Within,” Deftone Pictures “Ombis,” “To Catch A Soul,” “A Grim Becoming,” Paranormal Western New York, WKBW’s The NOW, and the documentary “The March Creek Tramp.”

As a radio and podcast host Tim has produced and participated in many projects such as CBS’ “The Psychic’s Next Door,” the Internet hit “Black Cat Lounge,” and with Good Friend Eric Charles on the web series “CURIOSITY” and it’s podcast associated show “CURIOSITY RADIO.”

Recently Tim has been volunteering his skills behind the camera at Lockport Community TV and has begun taping episodes of “Within These Walls” for The Haunted.Space network.

Tim’s other interests include Urban Exploration, Exploring Urban Legends, Cryptozoology, Collecting Haunted and Unusual Objects, Backwoods Trekking, Photography, Flintknapping (Stone Tool Making), Recreating Historic Leatherwork, Metal Detecting, Paranormal Investigating, Historical Re-enacting (Grand Army of the Republic, Civil War, French & Indian War), and Cooking.

In 2017 Tim retired after 34 1/2 years with the Town of Cheektowaga Highway Department and lives there with his wife Nancy and chocolate lab Winifred. To him there is no such thing as retirement…It’s just another day to have another adventure.





Scott Tepperman


Scott Tepperman is formerly one of the stars of Syfy Channel’s Ghost Hunters International (2008-2012), the popular spinoff to the most successful paranormal reality show of all time. In recent years, he has made the jump from TV to movies, and is quickly becoming a familiar name in the independent horror film scene, having appeared in such notable horror films as Night of the Living Dead: Genesis, Don’t Look in the Basement 2, The Hospital, The Hospital 2, Camp Massacre, Hybrid, and many others. Gatorblade Films has recently released I Dared You! Truth or Dare 5, which Scott is both starring in and co-directing with legendary cult filmmaker Tim Ritter (Truth or Dare? A Critical Madness).

Scott is also the co-owner and co-founder of Los Bastardz Productions, an independent film production company which he runs with his close friend and frequent collaborator, Jim O’Rear (ABC’s Nashville, Don’t Look in the Basement 2). Their first official joint project is the 1980’s-style cop thriller Nightblade, which stars Jim and Scott, along with fan favorites Robert LaSardo (Nip/Tuck), Betsy Rue (My Bloody Valentine 3D) and Todd Bridges (Diff’rent Strokes). ITN Distribution has set a release date for October 2018.

Scott is also the author of a hit book about old horror movies, Overlooked & Underrated: 100 Fantastic Forgotten Films of Horror and has just released Overlooked & Underrated 2: 100 More Home Video Horror Gems. He is also currently working on an “unofficial companion” book to his favorite movie of all-time, Near Dark.

Aside from his various film projects, Scott is an avid collector of old horror VHS and Beta movies and currently has a few thousand tapes in his collection. He has also hosted and/or judged various film festivals, including the legendary Freak Show Film Fest and Atlanta’s long-running movie showcase, Buried Alive. His 2017 documentary, Magnetic Highway: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of the Independent Video Store was so well-received that a sequel, Magnetic Highway – Exit 2 has already been completed and is planned for a late 2018 release.

Since 2008, Scott has been a non-stop guest at various comic cons, fan conventions, charity events, and trade shows and has gained a large, loyal following in both the paranormal and horror genres.
He continues to tour extensively in both the U.S. and abroad.




Todd Clements


Todd is an author, radio show host, and owner of Haunts of Mackinac.

Visit Haunts of Mackinac at http://www.hauntsofmackinac.com