Did You Know?

The three-story frame mill as we know it was built in 1848-49 by Alfred Wilkerson, as a grist mill. The nearby dam had been constructed out of logs in 1846.

Henry Ford Connection

In 1935, Henry Ford began work on the Old Mill. He stripped the building to its original timber frame. It was rebuilt along the old lines, and timber for the mill foundation was cut from adjacent land and hand-hewed.  He saved the mill!

Functioning Museum

Did you know the Old Mill Museum is still a functioning museum? Opened in 1986, the Old Mill Museum contains three stories of permanent and changing exhibits.

Did You Know?

The Old Mill is part of the Ford Heritage Trails, and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1990.

Welcome To The Old Mill Museum Events Site!

Old Mill Events

From this page you’ll be able to purchase tickets for many events or fundraisers at the Old Mill Museum that are being sold online.  Although some events or fundraisers may be on the Museum website, most are located here.

Museum Website

Public Investigations

Old Mill Public Investigations are offered through the year at the Old Mill Museum, and hosted by SWPI.  Check our calendar for any dates.

Private Investigations

Old Mill Private Investigation are offered for groups who would like to investigate themselves.  Great way to control who investigates and where, reducing possible contamination of evidence.

Old Mill ParaFest

The Old Mill ParaFest is our annual paranormal convention held in early November each year.  It features speakers throughout the day, as well as an optional ghost hunt with most speakers at night.  There are also vendors and speakers available for meet n greet, or buy some cool para-swag.

Other Old Mill Museum Events or Fundraisers

The Old Mill Museum hosts many fundraisers (events) through the year, both paranormal and non paranormal.  These fundraisers and donations are what keep the museum going!

We Can't Wait To Have You Join Us!

More Information and Tickets

Haunted Old Mill Calendar

Why Is It Haunted?


It is believed that old items can have spirits connected to them.


It is believed that water, especially running water can increase activity nearby.


Limestone is said to hold energies much like a cassette would.


It’s said that power can increase activity.

Who knows? It's Paranormal...

We really don’t know, that’s why it’s paranormal, right?

A Few Theories On Why It's Haunted

Antiques!  It is a fully functioning museum, so it is loaded with many old items throughout the building.  It’s widely believed that some people get connected to items, and those items can cause activity, or they may be seen with that item.
Water!  One theory is that places along bodies of water tend to have higher activity, due to the water.  This is especially true with running water.  The Old Mill Museum is located on a river, and did have water running through to create power back in the day too!  Between the river, and the dam out back, there is plenty of energy!
Limestone!  Paranormal Investigators have for years believed that areas with lots of limestone tend to have higher activity, holding that energy much like a cassette tape would.  There is now only limestone under the ground here, but much of the building is built with it!  Henry Ford (From Ford Motor Company) had workers mine limestone from the river, to build it.
Power!  There is a generator in the building that once powered the area using the river water.  Has some of this power increased activity over the years, and stored it in the limestone?
The past?  The museum itself was built in 1848, the largest part made of limestone the 1930s, and halls in the late 70s.  Since it was used as a grist mill, manufacturing plants etc who knows what happened back in the day.  While there’s no documented deaths inside, there are at the dam outside.  Doesn’t mean they weren’t reported, right?

Old Mill Events

Tickets Available & More Information

Tickets Currently Available

Here are the tickets for fundraisers currently available.

Public Ghost Hunt Tickets

Tickets for any public ghost hunts we have available at this time. These are added periodically throughout the year.  If none are listed, let us know!  We may add another.

Ticket Type Price Cart
Public Ghost Hunt Friday April 18th 2025 $42

Private Ghost Hunt Payments

Need to pay for your private investigation, deposit or remaining payment?  You can do so here.  If you’re booking, make sure to verify your date is available by contacting us first!

Ticket Type Price Qty. Cart
Private Investigation Deposit $150
Private Investigation - Remaining Balance $270
Private Investigation Full Payment - 10 people $420
Add Additional Person - 1 Per Person $42

Gift Certificates: https://www.oldmillevents.com/site/gift-certificates

Any tickets on this site available other than paranormal tickets will be listed here.  Some events are still listed on the museum page.

Old Mill ParaFest Tickets Available

The Old Mill ParaFest Tickets available are shown here.

Ticket Type Price Qty. Cart

Sponsorship Options are available here!


Ghost Hunt Information

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Book A Public Ghost Hunt

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Book A Private Investigation

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Old Mill ParaFest Information

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