The Old Mill Museum, in Dundee Michigan offers public and private ghost hunts, or paranormal investigations in Southeast Michigan! The Old Mill Museum offers a very unique chance to investigate a building, very rich in history, and paranormal activity.

The Old Mill Museum is unlike other public ghost hunting locations, as it is still an active museum. By purchasing tickets to investigate, you will be given a tour of the building, with the history and the paranormal experiences throughout the building and the grounds. After your tour, you will be free to investigate the building, and grounds at your own pace, even the 2nd and 3rd floor museum!

The regular investigations run from 8pm-4am, the cost of investigations is $42,  which includes your ticket to investigate, as well as a late snack/refreshments, which are available through the night.. Drinks can be purchased at the gift shop, please do not bring drinks in. All tickets are non refundable, no rain checks, rescheduled dates or other reimbursement will be issued, with the exception of a reschedule or cancel by the Old Mill Museum.


Some Info:

Handicap Accessible: The Old Mill Museum is almost completely handicap accessible.  You’ll have access to nearly the whole building, and grounds outside to investigate.  The biggest location not handicap accessible would be the basement.

  • There are ramps into the building
  • There is an elevator to go from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor and the 2nd floor to the 3rd floor.

Experience: Investigators of all experience are welcome.  Although the investigations are on your own pace, and they’re NOT guided, if you need assistance, or are new feel free to ask our volunteers at SWPI.  They’re more than happy to go along, help you investigate, teach you a few things, or even possibly stir up some activity.  Since they’re there all the time, many times just them being around increases activity.   If you’re experienced, great!  You’ll have full access at your pace, anything not roped off or locked is available for you.  Should you want access to a location roped off, locked etc.  Just ask.  We may be able to allow you access.


We offer both public, and private investigations. Here are the difference between the 2:

  • Public Investigations – These investigations are open to the general public, and those you investigate may be mixed with experienced ghost hunting teams, and people with an interest, that haven’t investigated previously, or have little experience.
    • Equipment allowed – Generally handheld, or smaller items. Things that can be carried in, while we do have a space for you to put your equipment cases and bags, we can not allow the use of larger equipment which will result in the running of wires
      etc. This means the use of DVR’s, and other similar equipment most likely won’t be allowed, without prior written permission.
  • Common equipment would be:
    • EMF Meter
    • Digital Camera
    • Flashlight
    • Audio Recorder
    • Video Recorder(Handheld)
    • Misc Handheld Devices(Such as a PX, Ovulus, Ghost Box etc)
  • Private Investigations – These investigations are not open to the general public, and only the team, or group who books will be allowed to investigate. This ensures that you and your group have the whole building, and grounds to yourself.
    • Equipment allowed – Most equipment you would use to investigate will be allowed, you can bring larger bags, and cases, DVR’s, run cameras etc.
      • For private investigation dates not listed on the website, contact us with your suggested dates. Dates marked Public Investigations can be switched to a private investigation, as long as the date isn’t booked. We do offer many Friday
        Nights, and we can occasionally do other nights, just NO SATURDAYS. If you wish to have a date not listed, let us know.
    • For Private Investigations, the fee is the same as Public Investigations, $42 per person, however there is a minimum of 10 people, or $420 to book. There is a $150 non refundable deposit to hold your date, once a date is agreed upon, and the
      remainder of the money is due 2 weeks before your investigation date. ($270 for 10 people).

*The use of Ouja Boards, Seances, Smudging or similar equipment or actions will not be allowed*

Why is it haunted?

While there are no documented deaths inside The Old Mill Museum itself, there are documented deaths at the dam, and rumored deaths on the property itself. Though even though there are not documented deaths inside, the property and area the Mill resides
on is rich in history! There are also many other reasons it could be haunted.

  • Limestone – It’s rumored that limestone can hold the energies, much like a cassette tape holds it’s music. Much of The Old Mill Museum is built from limestone, which was taken from under the river, at the dam.
  • Power – It’s said that spirits need energy, and The Old Mill Museum actually created power at one time, and in fact still has the generator!
  • Water – It has been said that water, or running water tends to increase activity. The Old Mill Museum has the river right outside, the dam etc.
  • Antiques – It is said spirits can be attached to items, The Old Mill Museum is filled with antiques, items from many, many years ago.

There are many reasons The Old Mill Museum has activity, these are just a few.

How will the investigations run?

    1. The guests will register and pay on the website (Payment via Paypal)
    2. Print the e-mail confirmation that is sent to you, as this will be your ticket. Bring your ID!
    3. On the date, just before the scheduled investigation time, guests will arrive at the mill and be welcomed by Old Mill Museum and SWPI investigation staff.
    4. At the scheduled investigation time, a tour will be given. This tour will include history, and most likely will also include the paranormal side too. Some groups may choose not to have any paranormal information in this tour.
    5. After the tour, you’re free to roam and investigate. Areas roped or taped off are OFF limits.
    6. At the scheduled end time, or whenever you so choose, the guests will leave.

Here is the time frame the investigation runs:

    • Doors Open about 7pm.  You can get there earlier, take pictures of the building, river etc.
    • Registration is 7:30-8pm (Once everyone is there)
    • Tour is 8pm (Once registered) The tour consists of history and evidence.  If requested, you can skip the tour, saving you time.
    • At 4am the doors are locked, everyone returns home for some much needed sleep.
    • There are refreshments, water and coffee served all night free.  If you have a drink or snack you’d like, you’re free to bring it but all food/drinks must stay in the Busz Room and all messes cleaned up by you and/or your team.
    • Our volunteer group Spirit World Paranormal Investigations (SWPI) will be there to assist, and in many cases a representative from the museum may be there part of the time.  We encourage any gift shop sales, shirts etc while the museum representative is there.
    • Equipment is NOT provided – however sometimes SWPI members have equipment, just ask.
    • This is a self guided investigation, we will not direct you to areas, there are no rotation times etc.  You’re free to investigate anywhere not roped off or locked. Anyone caught in displays that are roped off, or in areas that are not allowed, will be asked to leave, and the person and/or team will no longer be allowed back.  This is an active museum, we must respect the displays, items etc.
    • If you’re there before 8pm, you can also check out the museum.


Current Public Ghost Hunts:

Ticket Type Price Cart
Public Ghost Hunt Friday April 18th 2025 $42


To purchase tickets you must register, this allows you to check your purchase history, download tickets again later should you lose them etc.


*** In the event of high waters flooding the basement, or the minimum number of guests is not reached in any given week, rescheduled dates will be offered, or a refund if a rescheduled date can not be agreed to ***